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About Meredith Gill-Williams

In today's world a person juggles many hats, I am no different. I  am a  wife and a mother of two wonderful sons. I am also an assistant Pastor as was a high school art teacher and with what little time I have left I fill it with creating art ranging from illustrations in Photoshop to handcrafted pottery. I live what I teach and I teach what I am passionate about. Life is short and I have learned that not leaving each day doing what makes life worth living isn't a life well lived. 


I received Bachelors in Fine Arts from SUNY Oswego College with a concentrate in Ceramics,  Drawing, and Painting. I later received my Master in Art Education from SUNY Oswego. A number of years later I was offered the opportunity to purse another interest by obtaining my Associates in Theology from International Seminary thus earning me the title of an Assistant Pastor.

Art Specialty 

I classify myself as fine artist. My area of specialty is drawing in mostly any medium. My work is reflective of realism but I been known to dabble in the  abstract style.

I have a diverse ability in all painting mediums as well and have done many large scales murals in the county of Oswego. 

I also work in the ceramic medium and making both functional and sculptural art.


Pastoral Duties


As an assistant pastor I assist in the monthly food give away, perform wedding, funerals, and sermons. I find this calling on my life to be first and my family and career benefit from this practice. My faith provides balance and structure and direction to my tomorrow. 

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