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Ceramics 1

Ceramics 1 is an introduction to the use a of a classic art medium, clay. This course teaches fundamental hand building techniques, vocabulary, and a basic knowledge base of ceramics.   

I have been an employee for the Fulton City school district since 2006 teaching art  grades K-6 and 9-12. Prior I was a one-on-one for students with disabilities and prior to that I worked independently as an art teacher for home school students providing an art education to home school students k-12. I students have enjoyed the challenges and the inspiration that all my children of have brought to my life and look forward to many more years inspiring them in my passion of the arts. 

Educational Programs

CCC Essentials in Art


Essential of Art  is an introduction to the foundational art techniques employed by artist and art educators. The course  focuses on basic design, color theory and elements of composition as well as the application of various drawing and painting techniques.





Sculpture is a project based course that builds skills using 3 Dimensional mediums. As a sculpture you will look more critically at different forms of sculptures created by past and presents artisans while developing your own style. The projects created will be illustrated in a portfolio that will be used for those interested in pursuing a career in the field of art.

Ceramics 3


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Ceramics 2


Ceramics 2 is a more intense project based course that builds off the skills developed in Ceramics 1. Students will look more critically at ceramics created by past and present artisans while developing their own style. The projects created are an illustration of their skills and a portfolio is then developed that can be used to further their study of the medium. 

Independent Art Studies


Students pursuing further studies in the arts but have taken all the courses offered at the high school level can then be eligible to then apply the skills they have leaned in an an Independent Art Study. This is a perfect segue to continue their desire and growth in the art field. 

Thrown Vessel

This is an instructional demo for 1st year ceramists. 


This is the first project that Ceramic 1 students begin with. This employs the sculpture technique a subtrative process. 


Pinch Pot Vessel

This is the 2nd vessel created in Ceramics 1 and employs the oldest hand building technique.

Burnished Coil Vessel

This demo video is a burnished Coil vessel created for first year ceramics.

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Sculpty Clay

Working in sculpty clay to create a mini sculpture.

Tiki Bust & Cultural Bust

The is a cultural study where you make two pieces that reflect the culture and it's influences. The two reflect each other and are created in balsa foam.

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